Fentanyl Rehab in Georgia

Medically Reviewed By

J. Ryan Humphries, LPC, MdACN

Last Updated: April 14, 2024

Hand in Hand Recovery Center is a leading gender-specific drug rehab in Marietta, Georgia dedicated to providing comprehensive care and support for men struggling with fentanyl addiction. Our team is committed to guiding our patients toward recovery by offering evidence-based and holistic treatments tailored to meet their unique needs. We believe that compassionate care lies at the heart of effective fentanyl rehab in Georgia as individuals embark on their recovery journey.

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Understanding Fentanyl Addiction

Fentanyl addiction is a serious issue that has become increasingly prevalent in recent years. Fentanyl, a potent synthetic opioid painkiller, has gained notoriety for its high potency and the severe risks associated with misuse. This highly addictive drug can have dangerous consequences, including respiratory depression, overdose, and death.

Understanding fentanyl addiction involves recognizing the drug’s effect on the reward centers in the brain and the signs and symptoms that may indicate someone is struggling with this substance use disorder.

The Dangers of Fentanyl

Fentanyl is a highly potent synthetic opioid that poses significant dangers to individuals who misuse it. Its potency can be up to 100 times stronger than morphine, making it highly addictive and increasing the risk of overdose.

One of the most alarming aspects of fentanyl abuse is its unpredictability in illicit drugs like heroin or counterfeit prescription medications. Unknowingly consuming fentanyl-laced substances significantly increases the chance of a fatal overdose.

Due to its potency, even small amounts of fentanyl can cause respiratory depression and compromise breathing, leading to life-threatening consequences. The rapid onset and intensity of its effects make reversing an overdose challenging without immediate medical intervention.

Long-term use of fentanyl can lead to physical dependence and tolerance, requiring higher doses to achieve the desired effects. This vicious cycle heightens the risks associated with addiction.

Signs and Symptoms of Fentanyl Addiction

Recognizing the signs and symptoms of fentanyl addiction is crucial for identifying individuals struggling with this dangerous substance use disorder. Some common signs to watch out for include:

  • Physical Symptoms: Fentanyl abuse can lead to physical changes such as pinpoint pupils, drowsiness, slurred speech, and impaired coordination.

  • Behavioral Changes: Individuals addicted to fentanyl may exhibit secretive or deceptive behavior, frequent mood swings, increased agitation or irritability, and social withdrawal.

  • Neglecting Responsibilities: Fulfilling day-to-day responsibilities at work, school, or home may become increasingly difficult as fentanyl becomes a priority over other obligations.

  • Financial Issues: Fentanyl addiction can be incredibly expensive to sustain. Addicted individuals may experience financial strain or resort to borrowing or stealing money from friends and family members.

  • Increased Tolerance and Withdrawal Symptoms: Developing a tolerance means requiring larger doses of fentanyl to achieve the desired effects while experiencing withdrawal symptoms when attempts are made to stop using the drug abruptly.

  • Changes in Appetite: Fentanyl addiction can lead to appetite fluctuations, resulting in weight loss or weight gain.

  • Neglecting Personal Hygiene: People struggling with fentanyl addiction may neglect their personal hygiene and appearance, showing a lack of interest in self-care.

  • Relationship Issues: Addiction often strains relationships with family members, friends, and romantic partners due to erratic behavior, dishonesty, or increased isolation.

  • Increased Risk-Taking: Fentanyl addiction may lead individuals to engage in risky behaviors, such as criminal activities, sharing needles, or unprotected sex with multiple partners.

How Prevalent is Fentanyl Abuse?

Fentanyl abuse has become a significant public health concern in recent years. The prevalence of fentanyl abuse varies by region, but it is known to be widespread across the United States and many other countries.

According to the National Center for Drug Abuse Statistics (NCDAS), there has been a sharp increase in fentanyl-related overdoses and deaths. Illicitly manufactured fentanyl, often mixed with other drugs, contributes to this alarming trend.

The NCDAS reported the following statistics:

  • Fentanyl is responsible for 53 percent of overdose deaths.
  • Less than 2 milligrams of fentanyl can cause death.
  • There were almost 42,700 fentanyl-related overdose deaths in 2020.
  • The overdose rates for fentanyl are rising 2.5 times faster than other opioids.
  • The greatest increase in overdose death rates is in men aged 25 to 44.

Some statistics for Georgia, as released by the Georgia Department of Public Health, include:

  • The total number of opioid-related overdose deaths increased 207 percent from 2010 to 2020.
  • Fentanyl-related deaths increased 124 percent (614 to 1,379) from 2019 to 2021.
  • 57 percent of the 2,390 drug overdose deaths in 2021 were caused by fentanyl.

Can I Quit Fentanyl “Cold Turkey?”

Quitting fentanyl “cold turkey,” or abruptly stopping its use without medical supervision, can be extremely dangerous and is not recommended. Fentanyl withdrawal symptoms can be severe and potentially life-threatening.

Withdrawal from fentanyl may include intense cravings, restlessness, anxiety, muscle and bone pain, sweating, chills, nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, rapid heartbeat, high blood pressure, and more. Attempting to quit fentanyl on your own increases the risk of relapse due to the intensity of withdrawal symptoms.

Professional medically supervised detox is essential to ensure safety during the withdrawal process while minimizing discomfort. Our fentanyl rehab in Georgia provides access to comprehensive detox treatment through one of our partner facilities that addresses physical dependence and the psychological aspects of addiction to overcome fentanyl detox successfully.

What to Expect at our Fentanyl Rehab in Georgia

At Hand in Hand Recovery Center, our fentanyl rehab in Georgia provides comprehensive and personalized treatment programs to address the unique needs of men struggling with fentanyl addiction. All of our programs begin with an initial assessment to understand your specific situation, including physical health, mental well-being, and any co-occurring disorders or underlying issues contributing to your addiction.

This assessment also helps us work with you to develop an individualized treatment plan tailored to your needs. Next, we recommend undergoing medically supervised detox at one of our partner facilities. After completing detox, you will transition to the appropriate treatment program.

At our location in Marietta, we offer Partial Hospitalization Programs (PHPs), Intensive-Outpatient Programs (IOPs), and Outpatient Rehab Programs (OPs). For men who need round-the-clock treatment, we provide residential and inpatient rehab through one of our partner locations.

How We Treat Fentanyl Addiction

At Hand in Hand Recovery Center, our dedicated team is committed to providing compassionate care combined with evidence-based treatments to support recovery from fentanyl addiction. We utilize a multidimensional approach to treat fentanyl addiction. Our comprehensive treatment program can include the following components:

Premier Fentanyl Rehab in Marietta, Georgia

You don’t have to walk down the path of recovery alone. Fentanyl addiction is incredibly dangerous, but there is hope. At Hand in Hand Recovery, we’re a community, a safe haven, walking hand in hand, helping men recover from the devastating effects of drug addiction.

Our drug rehab in Marietta, Georgia helps individuals find a safe space needed to identify the root cause of addiction, identify maladaptive coping skills, and create new pathways to a successful life. Call us today or verify your insurance below to take the first step towards a brighter future. 

More on Fentanyl Addiction

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Hand in Hand Recovery’s Rehab in Georgia is tailored to meet your needs. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing a caring, supportive, and compassionate environment to help you achieve lasting sobriety and improved well-being. Contact us now to take the first step towards a brighter future.

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